아주대학교 정보통신대학



이종민Jongmin Lee

  • 소속 지능형반도체공학과 / 전자공학과
  • 연구실혜강관 202호
  • 이메일
  • 내선번호2481


  • 집적회로설계


  • 2022.08 성균관대학교 박사


    [2022.08 ~ 2023.01] 삼성전자 Foundry사업부 IP개발팀


    1. Hardware security circuits
    - Hardware security hardware IP design
    - Side-channel resistant standard cell design
    - PQC(Post Quantum Cryptography) accelerator
    - Homomorphic Encryption accelerator
    - Physically Unclonable Functions
    2. AI accelerators
    - Digital circuit based spiking neural network systems
    - SRAM-based In-Memory Computing


  • [논문] 신기철, 이종민, 이용민, 이은영, 이윤명, A Differential Flip-Flop With Static Contention-Free Characteristics in 28 nm for Low-Voltage, Low-Power Applications, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, pp. 1496-1504 (05월, 2023)
  • [논문] 이종민, 김민선, 신기철, 정민혁, 이윤명, A 20F2/bit Current-Integration-Based Differential NAND-Structured PUF for Stable and V/T Variation-Tolerant Low-Cost IoT Security, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, Vol.58, No.5, pp. 2957-2968 (10월, 2022)
  • [논문] 윤여훈, 이종민, 기형민, 김상준, 배치성, 이용민, 임창윤, 조민식, 이윤명, A Continuously-Scalable-Conversion-Ratio Step-Up/Down SC Energy-Harvesting Interface with MPPT Enabled by Real-Time Power Monitoring with Frequency- Mapped Capacitor DAC, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS, Vol.69, No.4, pp. 1820-1831 (04월, 2022)


아래 탭을 클릭하여 상세내용 확인바랍니다. (Please click on the tab for more information)

  • [논문] 정수연, 이종민, 김현우, 김장현, Impact of Work-Function Variation in Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistor, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, pp. 779-784 (9월, 2024)
  • [논문] 신기철, 이종민, 이용민, 이은영, 이윤명, A Differential Flip-Flop With Static Contention-Free Characteristics in 28 nm for Low-Voltage, Low-Power Applications, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, pp. 1496-1504 (5월, 2023)
  • [논문] 이종민, 김민선, 신기철, 정민혁, 이윤명, A 20F2/bit Current-Integration-Based Differential NAND-Structured PUF for Stable and V/T Variation-Tolerant Low-Cost IoT Security, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, Vol.58, No.5, pp. 2957-2968 (10월, 2022)

특허 및 기타

  • [특허] 이종민, 박성준, 바이오센서 신호 처리를 위한 임베디드 로직 컨트롤러, 특허, (출원) (10-2023-0118244) (9월, 2023)